Saturday, February 12, 2011

One of those >_<" moments

You know how sometimes we really want to kick ourselves for wishing for something we thought will be so superb? But when reality hits, they hit HARD.....

So Our Little One not so great on the speech department... hardly saying anything .... being the over protective and over achieving parents that the Mummy and Daddy are, the Parents sent Our Little One for therapy, Occupational, Speech... you know it, Our Little One probably has done it... and then this is what happens:

The Mummy: It's time to go to bed
Our Little One: Why?

Yes.. one of those moments that you have to kick yourself and say just be careful what you wish for....

Monday, February 7, 2011

Ok so... it's been a while...

But the Mummy has been busy and I mean really busy... Like working full time (think about 50-60hr week) plus away-from-home assignments, trying to come back on time to put Our Little One to sleep and then having to try and graduate... so you get the idea yeah?

Anyway that said, the Family still manages to have some fun, like when we put Our Little One to bed every night or like when we go out to the Park (like our recent FIRST visit to a particular park) ... and of course having a particular fruit company's media player means photos and videos wherever we go... ah the convenience of modern technology ... here are a few precious moments: