Saturday, November 8, 2008

4mths old... and a new set of skills...

Amazing how parents are intensely in love with every new (or what they think is new) development of their baby. So as typical parents, we are, too, in love with every little new thing Our Little One does. Take for example, today....

Our Little One just turned 4mths and we are both elated. I think back to when my water broke and the delivery.. and looking at Our Little One now, I am just flushed with emotions (think equivavlent of PMS-ing with tears and hormones all rolled into 1). He is now able to recognize both of us with ease and not so comfortable with strangers. He goes off like a siren if a total stranger comes up to him. But according to baby manuals (like as if babies really came with one) babies are supposed to behave like this right now... comforting to know that this is normal but no less easy to deal with when we are out in a mall where total strangers are sometimes fascinated by babies....

Our Little One has been progressively learning to roll over and crawl (albeit he goes backwards when his arms and legs move). So we as parents, naturally, try to encourage and build up his motor skills every chance we can. And of course like every proud parent, as Our Little One struggles to co-ordinate his limbs, we video-tape and photograph "every precious moment" for posterity.. or at least till Our (by that time, Not So Little One) Little One gets on our nerves when he is older and then we dish these old memories out and make him feel guilty about it... But we are enjoying ourselves... so let's not think too far into the future...yet

Another Fuji (brand of camera that I use) moment here (I wonder if I would get sued for infringing copyright if I had used the brand of a certain film in place of the camera that I actually owned).. I know I really like these pictures I took today!

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