Saturday, April 24, 2010

I am Toddler ... hear me ROAR!!!

Yes, we are getting there ... the infamous Terrible Twos...

Today's episode revolved around an emptied tissue box. Our Little One had meticulously emptied the tissue box so as to created the effect of snow by tearing up bits of tissue paper. As soon as the Mommy came into the living room and starting to tidy up (stuffing tissue paper that has not been shredded into the already emptied box an dputting the box onto the dining table) Our Little One revved up from 0 to 1000 (decibels) in 1 second .... ONE SECOND!!!! Not only did the lungs kick into action, the tear sacs and nose also joined in... so I had a screaming, teary and yucky-nose toddler lying on the ground all in a matter of ONE SECOND!!! And to his "credit" Our Little One kept up the drama for 1 hour!!! Heck, 1 Hour!! Anyone passing our house would have thought we were abusing him!!! Yes, as soon as I saw him lying on the ground and screaming at the top of his lungs, a voice in my head went "Welcome to the Terrible Twos!"

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